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Don't understand the Dental World?.......

Below are a couple of our favorite internet sites that will help you answer any of your questions concerning dental related issues.  It's easy to do and informational.  Just double click on a link below and you will be directly forwarded to each site.  Each site contains an enormous amount of information from smoking to sensitive teeth.  Some sites even have coupons too!!!  The internet sites provided are secure and provide true information and solutions to your dental needs.


How good are the Crest Whitestrips? And are the Whitestrips from the dentist REALLY better than the store?

Crest Professional Strength Whitestrips are a new whitening option.  These are clear strips containing the whitening solution that are placed over the upper and lower teeth twice a day for 30 minutes, for 21 days.  The professional version is 42% more effective than the over-the-counter Whitestrips.  These strips are useful for those with financial concerns and teenagers, compared to the custom bleaching options.  To learn more about these strips, visit the Crest web site below !!!




Our Favorite Dental Related Links~

A great site about products, over the counter and whitening, and great articles on oral health issues.


Information on whitening and kids oral health care, also a great website for teachers during dental health month!


Check out all of the products Listerine has to offer and learn about their warnings and directions.


One of the leading electric toothbrushes around!  Learn what it's all about and the benefits of using an electronic toothbrush.

ACT Flouride

Everything there is to know and learn about flouride and why it is a great touch to everyone's oral health program.

Ohio State Dental Board

Ohio dental laws and policies. Also a great start to stop smoking topics and solutions.




